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These docs are for Miniflare 2 which is no longer supported apart from critical security updates.
Please see the migration guide to upgrade to Miniflare 3, and the updated API docs.

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๐Ÿ”‘ Variables and Secrets


Variable and secrets are bound as follows:

$ miniflare --binding KEY1=value1 --binding KEY2=value2 # or -b
KEY1 = "value1"
KEY2 = "value2"
NUMBER = 42 # Note [vars] are automatically stringified
const mf = new Miniflare({
bindings: {
KEY1: "value1",
KEY2: "value2",

.env Files

Variables and secrets are automatically loaded from a .env file in the current directory. This is especially useful for secrets if your .env file is .gitignored. .env files look something like this:

# Woah, comments!

You can also specify the path to a custom .env file:

$ miniflare --env .env.test # or -e
env_path = ".env.test"
const mf = new Miniflare({
envPath: ".env.test",

Text and Data Blobs

Text and data blobs can be loaded from files. File contents will be read and bound as strings and ArrayBuffers respectively.

$ miniflare --text-blob TEXT=text.txt --data-blob DATA=data.bin
TEXT = "text.txt"
DATA = "data.bin"
const mf = new Miniflare({
textBlobBindings: { TEXT: "text.txt" },
dataBlobBindings: { DATA: "data.bin" },

Bindings Priority

Higher priority bindings override lower priority bindings with the same name. The order (from lowest to highest priority) is:

  1. Variables from wrangler.toml [vars]
  2. Variables from .env files
  3. WASM module bindings (--wasm, [wasm_modules])
  4. Text blob bindings (--text-blob, [text_blobs])
  5. Data blob bindings (--data-blob, [data_blobs])
  6. Custom bindings (--binding, bindings)


You can also bind variables or arbitrary objects to the global scope, even in modules mode:

$ miniflare --global KEY1=value1 --global KEY2=value2
KEY1 = "value1"
KEY2 = "value2"
const mf = new Miniflare({
globals: {
KEY1: "value1",
KEY2: "value2",
FUNCTION: () => { ... }