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These docs are for Miniflare 2 which is no longer supported apart from critical security updates.
Please see the migration guide to upgrade to Miniflare 3, and the updated API docs.

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🤹 Jest Environment

Miniflare includes a custom Jest environment that allows you to run your unit tests within the Miniflare sandbox. Note that Jest 27 is required. See this repository for an example using TypeScript.


The Miniflare environment isn't installed by default, install it and Jest with:

$ npm install -D jest-environment-miniflare jest

In the following examples, we'll assume your package.json contains "type": "module", and that you're using a tool to bundle your worker. See ⚡️ Developing with esbuild for an example.

To enable the Miniflare environment, set the testEnvironment option in your Jest configuration:

export default {
testEnvironment: "miniflare",
// Configuration is automatically loaded from `.env`, `package.json` and
// `wrangler.toml` files by default, but you can pass any additional Miniflare
// API options here:
testEnvironmentOptions: {
bindings: { KEY: "value" },
kvNamespaces: ["TEST_NAMESPACE"],

To enable TypeScript type checking and completions for global helper functions, add jest-environment-miniflare/globals to your tsconfig.json's types array:

"compilerOptions": {
"types": [

Writing and Running Tests

The Miniflare environment lets us import our worker's functions with regular import syntax. We can write a test for the following worker like so:

addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
// Assuming you've got a build tool that removes `export`s when you actually
// deploy your worker (e.g.
export async function handleRequest(request) {
return new Response(`URL: ${request.url} KEY: ${KEY}`);
import { handleRequest } from "../src/index.js";
test("responds with url", async () => {
const req = new Request("http://localhost/");
const res = await handleRequest(req);
expect(await res.text()).toBe("URL: http://localhost/ KEY: value");

Modules support is still experimental in Jest and requires the --experimental-vm-modules flag. To run this test:

$ NODE_OPTIONS=--experimental-vm-modules npx jest

Isolated Storage

The Miniflare environment will use isolated storage for KV namespaces, caches, Durable Objects and D1 databases in each test. This essentially means any changes you make in a test or describe-block are automatically undone afterwards. The isolated storage is copied from the parent describe-block, allowing you to seed data in beforeAll hooks.

As an example, consider the following tests:

// Gets the array
async function get() {
const jsonValue = await TEST_NAMESPACE.get("array");
return JSON.parse(jsonValue ?? "[]");
// Pushes an item onto the end of the array
async function push(item) {
const value = await get();
await TEST_NAMESPACE.put("array", JSON.stringify(value));
beforeAll(async () => {
await push("beforeAll");
beforeEach(async () => {
// This runs in each tests' isolated storage environment
await push("beforeEach");
test("test 1", async () => {
// This push(1) will only mutate the isolated environment
await push(1);
expect(await get()).toEqual(["beforeAll", "beforeEach", 1]);
test("test 2", async () => {
await push(2);
// Note that push(1) from the previous test has been "undone"
expect(await get()).toEqual(["beforeAll", "beforeEach", 2]);
describe("describe", () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
await push("describe: beforeAll");
beforeEach(async () => {
await push("describe: beforeEach");
test("test 3", async () => {
await push(3);
expect(await get()).toEqual([
// All beforeAll's run before beforeEach's
"describe: beforeAll",
"describe: beforeEach",
test("test 4", async () => {
await push(4);
expect(await get()).toEqual([
"describe: beforeAll",
"describe: beforeEach",

Note that bindings (e.g. variables, KV namespaces, etc) are only included in the global scope when you're using a service-worker format worker. In modules mode, you can use the getMiniflareBindings global method:

const { TEST_NAMESPACE } = getMiniflareBindings();

Note also that storage persistence options (kvPersist, cachePersist, and durableObjectsPersist) are ignored by the Miniflare Jest environment.

Durable Objects

When testing Durable Objects, Miniflare needs to run your script itself to extract exported Durable Object classes. Miniflare should be able to auto-detect your script from your package.json or wrangler.toml file, but you can also set it manually in Jest configuration:

export class TestObject {
constructor(state) { =;
async fetch() {
const count = ((await"count")) ?? 0) + 1;"count", count);
return new Response(count.toString());
export default {
testEnvironment: "miniflare",
testEnvironmentOptions: {
modules: true,
scriptPath: "./src/index.mjs",
durableObjects: {
TEST_OBJECT: "TestObject",

To access Durable Object storage in tests, use the getMiniflareDurableObjectStorage() global function:

test("increments count", async () => {
// Durable Objects requires modules mode so bindings aren't accessible via the
// global scope
const { TEST_OBJECT } = getMiniflareBindings();
const id = TEST_OBJECT.newUniqueId();
// Seed Durable Object storage (isolated storage rules from above also apply)
const storage = await getMiniflareDurableObjectStorage(id);
await storage.put("count", 3);
// Increment the count
const stub = TEST_OBJECT.get(id);
const res = await stub.fetch("http://localhost/");
expect(await res.text()).toBe("4");
// Check storage updated
expect(await storage.get("count")).toBe(4);

To immediately invoke ("flush") scheduled Durable Object alarms, use the flushMiniflareDurableObjectAlarms() global function:

test("flushes alarms", async () => {
// Get Durable Object stub
const env = getMiniflareBindings();
const id = env.TEST_OBJECT.newUniqueId();
const stub = env.TEST_OBJECT.get(id);
// Schedule Durable Object alarm
await stub.fetch("http://localhost/");
// Flush all alarms...
await flushMiniflareDurableObjectAlarms();
// ...or specify an array of `DurableObjectId`s to flush
await flushMiniflareDurableObjectAlarms([id]);

To list all active Durable Objects in a namespace, use the getMiniflareDurableObjectIds() global function:

test("gets objects", async () => {
// Get Durable Object stub
const env = getMiniflareBindings();
const id = env.TEST_OBJECT.newUniqueId();
const stub = env.TEST_OBJECT.get(id);
await stub.fetch("http://localhost/");
// Get all active TEST_OBJECT Durable Object IDs
const ids = await getMiniflareDurableObjectIds("TEST_OBJECT");

Constructing Durable Objects Directly

Alternatively, you can construct instances of your Durable Object using DurableObjectStates returned by the getMiniflareDurableObjectState() global function. This allows you to call instance methods and access ephemeral state directly. Wrapping calls to instance methods with runWithMiniflareDurableObjectGates() will close the Durable Object's input gate, and wait for the output gate to open before resolving. Make sure to use this when calling your fetch() method. The getMiniflareDurableObjectInstance() global function can also be used to get instances directly.

test / index.spec.js
import { TestObject } from "../src/index.mjs";
test("increments count", async () => {
const env = getMiniflareBindings();
// Use standard Durable Object bindings to generate IDs
const id = env.TEST_OBJECT.newUniqueId();
// Get DurableObjectState, and seed Durable Object storage
// (isolated storage rules from above also apply)
const state = await getMiniflareDurableObjectState(id);
await"count", 3);
// Construct object...
const object = new TestObject(state, env);
// ...or get an instance directly
const object = getMiniflareDurableObjectInstance(id);
// Concurrently increment the count twice. Wrapping `object.fetch`
// calls with `runWithMiniflareDurableObjectGates(state, ...)`
// closes `object`'s input gate when fetching, preventing race
// conditions.
const [res1, res2] = await Promise.all([
runWithMiniflareDurableObjectGates(state, () => {
return object.fetch(new Request("http://localhost/"));
runWithMiniflareDurableObjectGates(state, () => {
return object.fetch(new Request("http://localhost/"));
expect(await res1.text()).toBe("4");
expect(await res2.text()).toBe("5");
// Check storage updated twice

Mocking Outbound fetch Requests

Miniflare allows you to substitute custom Responses for fetch() calls using undici's MockAgent API. This is useful for testing workers that make HTTP requests to other services. To obtain a correctly set-up MockAgent, use the getMiniflareFetchMock() global function.

test("mocks fetch", async () => {
// Get correctly set up `MockAgent`
const fetchMock = getMiniflareFetchMock();
// Throw when no matching mocked request is found
// (see
// Mock request to
// (see
const origin = fetchMock.get("");
// (see
.intercept({ method: "GET", path: "/thing" })
.reply(200, "Mocked response!");
const res = await fetch("");
const text = await res.text();
expect(text).toBe("Mocked response!");

Waiting for waitUntiled Promises

To await the results of waitUntiled Promises, call the getMiniflareWaitUntil() global function on a FetchEvent, ScheduledEvent or ExecutionContext. This will return a Promise that resolves to an array of resolved waitUntiled Promise values:

export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
return new Response("body");
import worker from "../src/index.js";
test("wait until", async () => {
const request = new Request("http://localhost:8787/");
const env = getMiniflareBindings();
const ctx = new ExecutionContext();
// Call module worker handler
const response = worker.fetch(request, env, ctx);
expect(await response.text()).toBe("body");
// Check resolved values of waitUntil'ed Promises
const waitUntils = await getMiniflareWaitUntil(ctx);
expect(waitUntils).toEqual([1, 2, 3]);